Let’s Walk

Our host feels brisk, baby! And loves his sweatpants!

First, let me explain about the hat. I’m not a Seahawks fan - I’m a Raiders fan - but the ‘hawks just lost yesterday to the Rams in the first round of the playoffs, and I knew I had this hat somewhere (as a souvenir from the last time I was in Seattle), so I figured I’d fish it out and wear it as a way of showing I’m not some front-running fool who only wears the hats of winning teams.

I forgot what I was supposed to be talking about.

Oh yeah! Walking in cold weather! It’s simply the best! 30 degrees is perfect. Very cold, below freezing, but not crazy cold. As long as you’re bundled up, it’s simply the best. So clean and crisp. So much better than walking in summer.

Just my opinion.



