“You were always on my mind.”
Funny how your mind works. Now I can’t stop thinking about Willie Nelson. Which leads me to think about getting back “on the road again.” Which reminds me of Kerouac. And on and on. Other snippets on my mind in the first quarter of 2021…
3/7/21: Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could experience Spring Training the way ball players do? (I mean the vets who aren’t fighting for a job.) It’d be so nice to go to a warm climate, get yourself in shape, and think about what you’d like to accomplish for the next 6-7 months.
3/6/21: If I knew how, I’d invent a pair of virtual reality glasses that showed you the world through an unlimited number of other people’s eyes. I’d call them the “Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes Glasses,” and I’d charge $49.95 for the base model and $0.99 per new perspective.
2/16/21: I’ve been kinda busy lately, while also trying to get more sleep, so I’ve broken my habit of watching the news on TV every night. I’ve also been feeling pretty relaxed and content these days, so I guess it’s easy to draw a parallel. It’s true what they say: no news is good news.
2/15/21: Just caught up with Regina King’s performance on Saturday Night Live. She seems so elegant and at ease with herself, full of fun and bright energy. She made a joke in her opening monologue about white people only knowing her from HBO’s Watchmen. But she and I go way back.
1/24/21: Kids can be pretty mean. The nicknames they hand out can be particularly cruel. Maybe it’s all in good fun, maybe not. The Internet and social media are giant playgrounds. Abraham Lincoln has no say when his face sells products, and Bernie Sanders is now a mitten meme.
1/13/21: I keep listening to the final track on Paul McCartney’s newest album. My favorites of his tunes involve characters, and simple things, like fixing a hole. Whether Uncle Albert, the fool on the hill and Eleanor Rigby are happy, or lonely, or both, depends entirely on the whims of his genius.
1/12/21: Nowadays it feels like if you stay quiet on social media for more than a day, you essentially disappear from existence. What’s the solution? Seeing Bill Burr online or on TV used to feel like a treat, now he’s everywhere. But if you’re not everywhere, are you nowhere? Tricky stuff.
1/9/21: Recently heard that on average, a soccer player runs seven miles per game. Also heard Cillian Murphy has smoked over 3,000 herbal cigarettes playing Tommy Shelby in "Peaky Blinders," according to an estimate from the prop department. That’s a lot of huffing & puffing.
1/8/21: The first weekend of the NFL playoffs is such a treat. As a Raiders fan, I’m bummed my boys really screwed things up this season after such a good start, but what can you do? I’ll tell you what you can do! You can go to the supermarket and stock up on treats and kick back and enjoy!
1/7/21: Can you imagine thousands of people just showing up to your house and making themselves at home? (I’m in an apartment, so that’s even worse!) The Capitol is kind of like everyone’s house, so I can’t imagine anyone who’s not really upset and sad about what just happened.
1/6/21: Recent article in the New York Times coins the term “exercise snacks,” meaning short bursts of moderate physical activity to help keep your mind and body feeling sharp throughout the day. Especially like (and will try) the suggestion of simply walking around while on the phone.
1/5/21: What’s the deal with people who keep holiday decorations on their house long after the holidays? I know having string lights in your house or apartment, in a room or two, is a thing, and I like it; I’m talking about people with Santa on their lawn in mid-to-late January. A-doyee!
1/3/21: Will Daniel and Johnny team up during Cobra Kai, Season 3? Will the kid who fell off the balcony be okay? And most importantly, will Elisabeth Shue show up? She’d better! I can’t believe she hasn’t already signed on as a full cast member. The least she can do is a quick, simple, awesome cameo. No mercy!
1/1/21: Haven’t been to the gym since Covid (which reminds me, I should probably cancel my Planet Fitness membership; don’t really think I’ll be going back, ever), so lately I’m all about body weight exercises. New Year’s Resolution: to make them an automatic habit.